For effective reconnaissance and action as well as situation assessment, the commander and driver need the best possible visibility and maximum control over the vehicle system. Full operational readiness must be guaranteed day and night in order to be able to detect sources of danger even in adverse environments and to anticipate self-reconnaissance. Elbit Systems Deutschland vehicle-based systems offer complete system solutions for this purpose.

The AMPS’ angular coverage, combined with the AMMS (Advanced Mission Management System) unique features, enables fast response time to evolving mission needs – from vertical to standoff targets, in a matter of seconds. It has been designed for installation on small and medium sized fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and other platforms.
- Two day TV CCD sensors
- FLIR and ICCD Sensor
- Day and Night Operation in adverse weather conditions
- Inertial GPS, geo-pointing and geo-location
- Long-range maritime patrol missions
- Covert capabilities
- Strategic ISR capabilities
- Angular coverage Azimuth: N x 360°
- Elevation: + 30° to – 87°
- FLIR: Large aperture 3rd generation 3-5 μm FPA
- B&W / Color TV: 1/3”, CCD detector with ruggedized telescope
- Weight: 85 kg
- Environmental conditions: IAW MIL-STD-810
- Flight envelope: Up to 40 kft and 240 knots

See-Through Armor Technology – 360 degree situational awareness system in a closed combat vehicle. Until now, commanders and drivers of armoured vehicles could only view the external events via periscopes, periscopes or individual cameras. With the “IronVision™ “system, crew members have a full 360° field of view, day and night.

- No Latency – Real Time Video
- High resolution cameras
- VR & AR applications
- Day & Night
- Look-Lock-Launch capabilities
- Applicable on different platforms
- Interoperable with unmanned vehicles
- Latenzfrei – Video in Realzeit
- Hochauflösende Kameras
- VR- und AR-Applikationen
- Tag & Nacht
- „Look-Lock-Launch“-Fähigkeiten
- Auf unterschiedlichen Plattformen einsetzbar
- Verwendbar mit unbemannten Systemen
SPECTRO™ XR is an extremely powerful, multispectral, long-range electro-optical sensor head that combines the performance of a 20′ unit in a 15′ housing.
With its integrated high-resolution image channels in various wavelength ranges and modular powerful laser systems, the SPECTRO™ XR offers the highest performance day, night and bad weather conditions.
The heart of the system is a multispectral optical system that provides the highest possible imaging performance for all image channels. The SPECTRO™ XR can be equipped with a long-range laser rangefinder or alternatively with a laser target marker.
As a system, the SPECTRO™ XR includes an advanced video tracker and embedded servers for media, geo and tactical data. The SPECTRO™ XR is designed for maritime and land-based applications as well as fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

- Multispectral Common Aperture Telescope
- High Definition Spectra-Spatial Image Fusion
- Enhanced Multi Layered User Experienc
- Ultra Stabilized In-Motion EOP Design
- Advanced Geo-Location Insight System
Technical details
- Visual channel zoom and spotter in Full HD
- Thermal channel zoomer and spotter in Full HD
- SWIR spotter in HD
- Laser target marker/laser range finder
- Multi-axis stabilization